
Overview: As an account manager, you’ll need to manage departments in order to categorise your employees in groups, so you can get the most out of your Mapal products.
Start from: the Mapal OS dashboard.

  • Select the Open button on the Configuration tile.
  • Select Business Management > Departments on the main menu.

You should now be able to view your departments here. You can search for specific departments by clicking on the Search icon.

Note: your level of access will determine whether you can Maintain or View departments. Users with no access to departments will not be able to do either of the latter. Please check with your support team for any issues or if you have any questions. 

Adding departments

  • Select the + Add Department(s) button

You can either add individual departments or add multiple departments at once by uploading a CSV file.

To add individual departments:

  • Select Add department.
  • Enter a name and select Create department.

Note: the new department will be added to the OS and will sync into Flow too.

To add multiple departments at once:

  • Select Add list of departments.
  • Download the template list by selecting the download button next to the file name: Departments list template.CSV.
  • Enter the information required on the CSV file downloaded.
  • Upload your departments list file by selecting Click to upload and searching for the file in your documents, or by dragging and dropping the file into the box.
  • Select Add.

The new departments will now be added to the OS and will sync into Flow too.

Editing departments

  • Select the three dots next to the department name you wish to edit.

  • Edit the department name and select Save.

The change will be applied immediately, and will also sync to Flow, so learners in Flow will be assigned to the new department name.

Deleting departments

  • Select the three dots next to the department name you wish to edit.
  • Select Delete.

Note: it's not possible to delete a department if there are active learners assigned to it.

Note about access to Departments

Users with ‘View’ access can view and search for departments but cannot add new or edit existing departments.
Users with no access to departments cannot view, maintain, or assign departments, and will see the following message when trying to access Departments: