
Overview: The user management in GIR ensures that the right personnel have access to the necessary tools and information for the execution of the various functionalities available in the software.

Start from: The Configuration module.

  • Select Users > Administration from the main menu.  


In the Administration screen, all registered users will be displayed. To find the specific user to manage, you can filter by Status (Active/Inactive users), by Role, or directly enter the text you want to search for.

Change the status of a User

  • Select Activated/Disabled in the user's Status column.
  • When selecting the status, a pop-up screen will appear to confirm activation or deactivation.
  • Select OK to confirm or Cancel to dismiss.

Edit a user

  • Select Edit in the user's field.
  • In the user's popup window, you can modify aspects such as:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Mobile Phone
    • Notification Language
    • Role
    • Associated Worker

Note: By selecting an Associated Worker, you can mark the Access Restriction by Check-in (The associated worker must be clocked in at the time of logging into GIR) or deactivate/disable the user if the worker is terminated (This will be done at the end of the day, as the day of termination is worked).

  • Work Centers to which the user will have access.

Note: If a user is selected in add accesses, the accesses of that person will be copied to the same work centers.



  • Select Save to apply the changes OR Cancel to dismiss them.