
Overview: In Workforce it is possible to make reports concerning workers' shifts. These reports include analysis of various KPIs for optimal shift management and review, analysis of projected KPIs for a shift, and analysis of actual KPIs for a completed shift.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

  • Select the Work Center where the shift you wish to analyze is located.  

  • Select the Arrow icon in the field of the shift you wish to analyze.

  • On the Projected Shift screen, select the Analysis button.

Analysis by total demand

Once the Analysis button is selected, the following screen will display:

  • Direct Work Default.

  • Indirect Work Default.

  • Surplus of Projected Hours over Ideal Hours.

  • Indicator (KPI): this is the indicator that will be seen and studied in the report. By selecting the drop-down, the available KPIs are displayed.

    • Ideal Staff: is the sum of Indirect Work and Direct Work. This report will show the excess/defect of hours.

    • Productivity: shows three possible ratios: Net Sales per Hour, Checks per Hour, and Guests per Hour.

    • Hours: a comparison can be made between projected, actual, ideal, and budgeted hours.

    • Cost of Labor: a comparison can be made between projected, actual, ideal, and budgeted personnel cost.

  • Workstation: in this case, it will not be possible to select, since a Direct and Indirect Work Table has not been made by job positions, but by total demand.

  • Scenario: will be the context in which the selected KPI is integrated. It will be possible to choose between the Projected and, once the turn is over, also the Real.

  • Time Period: can be weekly or daily.

Analysis by workstations

Reporting analysis by workstations can be performed only in cases where Demand by Workstation is selected and a table by job positions is made in the Direct Work or Indirect Work configuration.

  • After configuring the workers' shifts and assigning job positions, select the Analysis button to view the reports.

  • In the Workstation drop-down list, select from all the job positions that have been assigned.

  • After the selection, you will be able to see 3 types of graphs: area, bubble, and pie graphs.

  • Except for the Job positions, the rest of the fields correspond with the Total Demand Analysis (See above ).