
Overview: GIR allows the creation of Effective Hours Budgets by Centers. This budget can be used as another scenario (in addition to the projected and actual) in the weekly shift analysis of magnitudes and KPIs (productivity, hours, and personnel cost). This indicator will be linked to the Center's sales budget, so it will be essential to create it first.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Hours Budget > Effective Hours from the main menu.

Create Effective Hours budget

  • On the Effective Hours Budget screen, select:

    • The Unit and Year for which the Effective Hours Budget is to be made.

    • Sales Budget to be used.

    • Source of sales from which data will be extracted.

    • Base year or comparable year.

  • Once these parameters have been established, assign a Distribution by category between:

    • Defined: the % of hours per category will have the same distribution every day.

    • Comparable Day: the % of hours per category will have the distribution of the day to which it is compared.

  • Select the % button to assign the desired distribution of hours by category.

  • In the Total Hours Distribution by Category drop-down window, set the % of hours distribution for each position (category). You can set it manually, or you can use the arrows to copy distributions from previous years.

  • Select Accept to load the hours distribution OR Cancel to discard it.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select the Hour Source from:

    • Actual Hours: those recorded through the employee's fingerprint clocking.

    • Projected Hours: those projected in the weekly shifts.

    • Hours ideals: the ideal hours required according to the optimal shift.

  • Select the KPI from among:

    • Total Hours: uses the number of hours per day.

    • Sales/Hour: uses a sales productivity per hour.

    • Traffic/Hour: uses hourly traffic productivity.

    • Minutes/Traffic: uses a productivity of minute per traffic.

    • Nightwork: allocates night hours per day.

  • Select the Month or Year button to enable a table in which you can define (depending on the calculation method selected) the allocation by months or days of the week.

  • Select the Excel icon to export the Budget of Effective Hours by day and category.

Close effective hours budget

  • Select Hours Budget > Close Effective Hours from the main menu.

  • Select the Hours Budget you wish to close from the list. You can use the Magnifying Glass icon to search directly for the budget or you can also use Filter or Filter by Business Unit to facilitate the search.

  • Flip the switch in the budget box to close it. You can also select the lock icons to close or open all budgets at once.

  • Once the budget has been closed, the box will show a Closed indicator together with the date, time and user who has executed the process.