
Overview: GIR allows us to create Contracted Hours Budgets by Centers. This budget will be linked to the sales budget and effective hours of the Centers, so it will be essential to create them beforehand.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Hours Budget > Contracted Hours from the main menu.

Create contracted hours budget

  • Select the Work Center from which the Contracted Hours Budget will be made.

  • Select the Sales Budget to be used.

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  • Select New to create a new Contracted Hours Budget period.

  • Assign a Period Start date.

  • Select Save to save the period OR Cancel to discard it.

  • Select the bar icon to display a graph showing the hourly requirements for the selected period.

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  • Select Edit to change the effective date OR Delete to delete the period.

  • Once there are periods created, select the white arrow button to create (when the color is gray) or to modify the Hours Budget (when the color is blue).

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Notes: To create a Contracted Hours Budget it is necessary to load the historical data of the Effective Hours Budget, so once the Effective Hours Budget is done we must wait at least until the next business day to create the Contracted Hours Budget.

In the Contracted Hours screen, you will make a weekly Contracted Hours Budget that will be automatically filled in for the Period.
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  • Allocate Budget Hours based on Actual Hours. Copy the times by clicking on the blue arrow or assign the times manually in the box.

Notes: You must match the weekly Contracted Hours you assign to the Budget with the weekly Hours needed.

  • Review the resulting metrics and KPIs once you have recorded the Budget hours.

  • Select the diskette icon to Save the Budget, or click on the X to cancel.

Close contracted hours budget

  • Select Hours Budget > Close Contracted Hours from the main menu.

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  • Select the Work Center.

  • Select the Sales Budget/Hours.

  • Select the period line to close the budget.

  • Once closed, a padlock icon will appear on the line.

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Enable a contracted hours budget to be modified

  • Select Hours Budget > Close Contracted Hours from the main menu.

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  • Select the Work Center.

  • Select the Sales Budget/Hours.

  • Select the period line to reopen the budget.

  • Once reopened, the padlock icon will disappear from the line.

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