
Overview: Defining schedules is one of the fundamental steps in the Workforce configuration. One of the criteria for establishing work center schedules is night work (night-time hours). As a general rule, there will be as many opening hours as different situations are identified for each work center.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Configuration > Opening hours from the main menu.

In the next screen, you will see the total number of units configured, the number of schedules created (a unit can have more than one schedule), and the units without schedules.

To learn about the possible actions on this screen and how to set an opening time, see Set up working hours.

To configure night-time working hours:

  • Select the New + button to create a new schedule.

  • Select the Business Unit(s) where the schedule will be applied. You can select more than one.

  • Set a Name for the schedule.

  • Flip the switch in Status to indicate whether it is active or not.

  • Indicates up to what time or from what time would be considered a half day off in Half Day Off.

Notes: This field is mandatory.

  • Select Add Period in the Night-time Hours section. This night period shall be valid and common for all days of the week. This data indicates the hours within a day that are typified as nighttime.

  • You can define the schedule for each day or select the Copy to all days option to apply one day's schedule to the whole week.

  • Record the Computable Hours for each day of the week. This data indicates the period of the day where the employee's working hours will be counted.

Notes: Outside this period the hours performed by the employee will not be taken into account for accounting purposes.

  • Indicates the hours in which the center will be accessible to the customer through the Opening Hours.

  • You can define a Preparation Hours period for each day of the week.

Notes: This period does not need to coincide with the opening hours to the public, but it must be contained within the defined computable time. If it coincides with the opening to the public, this time spent will not be taken into account for the estimation of optimal workers per half hour performed by the system. This preparation time is linked to the productivity of the center since it is time invested in the preparation of the product or service offered.

  • Once you have completed all the data, select Accept to save the new schedule OR Cancel to discard the changes.