Overview: store managers may want to edit procedures for their location, to tailor them to specific needs or changes in operations. Whilst procedures are centrally created and it isn’t possible to create fully local procedures, it is possible to create local versions of centrally created procedures.
Start from: the Compliance web dashboard.
- Select My location > Procedures from the main menu.
- Select the procedure you’d like to make changes to.
- Select the EDIT button.
Here you’ll see that there is a text box for the central description and another for the local description.
- Enter a description specifically for the location in the Local description box OR select Copy central description to copy this text and make changes to it.
- Select Sync roll to synchronise the pages.
Note: select Full screen to make the text boxes larger.
- Select Preview to see what these procedure descriptions will look like for staff members who enter the app and read the procedures.
- Select Save when you finish editing the procedure.
Note: you can find information about the visibility of the descriptions under the text boxes with a tick or cross on it.
A pop-up window with a text box will appear asking you to enter a description of your change. This is useful if there have been important changes to procedures that staff members must be aware of.
A pop-up window with a text box will appear asking you to enter a description of your change. This is useful if there have been important changes to procedures that staff members must be aware of.
- Enter the change description.
- Select Publish new version.
Note: if you create a local version of the procedure, only this one will be shown to users and it won't automatically update if changes are done on a central level.