
Overview: Workforce makes available to its users the possibility of generating reports where data related to workers' hours and KPIs can be exploited. This report is of vital importance in measuring the efficiency of operations and facilitating decision-making around staffing and scheduling arrangements in a workplace. 

Start from: The Workforce module.  

Generate report 

  • Select Reports from the main menu.  


  • Use the Magnifying Glass icon or locate in the list the report 175 - ROTA KPIs


  • Select the Center(s) whose KPIs you wish to view.  

  • Select the Week you wish to consult OR the Start and End date of the period. 

  • In the Training Hours dropdown, you can select a group of workstations where you will see the hours that have been planned in that group.  

Notes: For you to see the training hours, we should create a workstation group called Training, and assign that job to the shifts that are training. 

  • Select which Sections you want to see in the report, each section is a KPI: 

  • Status: shows whether the shift is finished or not, and the number of times the optimization has been used. 

  • Sales: shows projected sales, actual sales and absolute and percentage variation. 

  • Checks: shows projected and actual tickets and the absolute and percentage variation. 

  • MPT (Worked time (minutes) / Tickets): indicates the speed of ticket generation in our business, i.e. the minutes we need to dispatch a ticket. 

  • TPLH (Tickets / Worked time (hours)): indicates the workload in tickets, and the amount of tickets we are able to dispatch in an hour of work. 

  • SPLH (Net Sales / Worked time (hours)): indicates the net sales workload, the amount of sales we can generate in one hour of work. 

  • Hours: shows ideal working hours, projected working hours, actual working hours, and absolute and percentage variation. 

  • Workstation group: select which work group you want to display. 

  • Select the 3 Grouping Criteria, which will show you the total of each group, e.g. group by concept, by country, and by province. 


  • Select Generate Report to download the file in .XLS format.  

General Concepts 

This Excel shows a weekly summary, but each sheet shows one day of the week.  


It is important to distinguish 3 concepts related to this report: 

  1. Ideal: all data related to the configured work tables (direct and indirect work) if this configuration is not done, the data will be set to 0. When projecting a sale in shifts, the system will tell you what the ideal KPIs are. For example, if your sales for Friday are 13000€, you will need 90 hours of work. Therefore, if there are no work tables or no projected sale, you will have no data. 

  1. Projected: data extracted through planned shifts and projected sales. 

  1. Actual: this is the data that comes from the adjusted bookings (or the original bookings if there were no adjustments) and the actual sales. 

As for the colors, they do not change according to whether the result is positive or negative, but according to the percentage of deviation. If the color of the values is green, it indicates that the variation of the results has been minimal and that the estimate of sales and personnel has been optimal, approaching the ideal and the actual. 

Detail of the report 

At the beginning of the report, you will see a detail of the period you are consulting. 

  • You will see the centers and the grouping you have selected. 

  • You will see the status of the center, whether it is finished, and the number of optimizations. 


Below you will see two sections: net sales and tickets. 

  • Projected sales: as projected in shifts, it can be based on a budget or a POS sales history. 

  • Actual sale: this is the sale that comes from the POS. 

  • Absolute variation 

  • Percentage change 


As for the KPIs (MPT, TPLH and SPLH) you will see the same information in all of them: 

  • Ideal Productivity: according to work tables and sales projection. 

  • Projected Productivity: according to shifts and projected sales. 

  • Actual Productivity: based on actual bookings and sales. 

  • Projected vs Ideal: the absolute and percentage variation between planned and ideal shifts according to the configured work tables. 

  • Actual vs Ideal: the absolute and percentage variation between the actual data (actual bookings and actual sales) and the ideal data according to the configured work tables. 

  • Projected vs Ideal: the absolute and percentage variation between planned in turn and actual data. 





The hours KPI shows the following information: 

  • Ideal hours: are the hours that should have been planned according to the work tables and the sales projection. 

  • Projected hours: are the planned hours in shift. 

  • Excess hours: these are the hours that have been planned in excess according to the work tables and the sales projection. 

  • Deficit hours. are the hours that we have planned to be less according to the work tables and the sales projection. 

  • The Actual hours: these are the clocked hours, if they are set, you will be able to see them. 

  • Actual vs Ideal Hours: the absolute and percentage variation between actual and ideal hours according to the configured work tables. 

  • Actual vs. Projected Hours: the absolute and percentage variation between clocked and projected hours. 

  • The Reaction: shows whether the variation in tickets corresponds to the variation in hours. Variation % Tickets - ((Actual Hours/ Projected Hours) -1) 

  • Efficiency: is the percentage of approximation to the actual ideal hours of the shift. This is obtained from the productivity tables and actual sales. This is equal to 1-(excess+deficit)/ideal hours. Two important points: 

  • If ideal hours = 0, then 0%. 

  • If excess+deficit is greater than ideal hours, efficiency = 0%. Color code >80% - green; between 65.01 - 79.99% - yellow; < 65 - red. 


In case you have selected a Workstation Group associated with training hours, you will see it as follows at the end of the report. 

  • Projected training hours: this data is shift-based and to account for these hours the shift must have the corresponding work center assigned to training hours. 

  • Actual training hours: this data is obtained according to the clockings, for this, as in the case of shifts, these hours must have a work center assigned to them. 

  • Absolute and percentage change.