
Overview: Keeping track of contract status is necessary to maintain efficient management of personnel changes and renewals. In Workforce, there are two ways to know the end date of a contract: through reports and notifications.

Start from: The Workforce module.

Through notifications

  • Navigate to Settings > Notifications.

Once on this screen, the user will see the main table that lists all the notifications users can configure according to the permissions of their role.

  • Select the New + button to assign new recipients and notifications.

  • A pop-up window will appear with 5 fields, for which you must select:

    • Area: Used to filter the events (notification) that the user associates with the recipients. This field is mandatory. There are 5 areas: Payroll Incidences, ITs, Other Absences, Proposal, and Holidays. In this case, select Proposals.

    • Event: Displays the list of different events based on the previously selected area. This field is mandatory. Here you can select as many Proposal events as necessary.In this field, you must select the Notification: Provisional Leaver Date option.

    • Role: Associates users with a specific role as recipients of the selected event(s).

    • User: Associates one or more specific users as recipients of the selected event(s), independent of a specific role.

    • Status: Assign an active or inactive status to your notification.

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Notes: The Role field is not mandatory if a user is selected, and the User field is not mandatory if a role is selected.

  • By default, notifications will be created with an Active status, so that, from the moment of creation, if any of the associated notification events occur, users will receive the corresponding notifications.

  • Select Accept to generate as many event-role and event-user notifications as have been selected from the event list OR Cancel to discard the changes.

Through reports

  • Select Reports from the main menu.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Teams<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Use the Magnifying Glass icon or locate report 160 - Employment History on the list.

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  • Select whether you want to Group the report by Employee or by Unit.

  • Select the Status of the Employee or Unit between Current and Former.

  • Select the specific Employee or Unit you wish to consult.

  • Select if you want to Show Leaves in the report.

  • Set a Period. It can be All or choose from a Date Range.

  • Select the Excel button to download the report in .XLS format.

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  • The resulting report shows the Expected Leave Date for each employee of the Center or the individual employee you have selected.