
Overview: Workforce allows users to configure work categories under different criteria. Some categories, specifically for non-sales jobs, may have a fixed cost and number of hours at all times. In this type of case, Workforce allows the user to configure the category to disregard productivity costing.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Categories.

  • Select the New + button to create a new category OR select an existing category from the list.

Pantalla de computadora<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

  • In the Edit Category or New Category window, navigate to the Productivity % field and assign 0. 

This field defines the percentage of time worked in activities directly related to the operation of the business (excluding, for example, administrative tasks).

Notes: In workers performing more than one job, the productivity percentage may be variable. For example, if a person is dedicated to cleaning for half a day and to customer service tasks in the second half of the day, the percentage can be set at 50%.

  • In the Coverage field, type 100 or keep the previously established percentage.

  • If the category is already configured, keep the rest of the fields the same or edit the required details if necessary. If it is a new category, configure the rest of the fields with the corresponding information.

  • Once you have finished editing or configuring the category, select Accept to save your changes OR Cancel to discard them.