
Overview: GIR allows users to view weekly shifts in two possible ways: by quadrant or by lines. To correctly display and understand shifts in either of their two forms, it is essential to know each of the elements that make up the shift display screens.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select the Work Center where the shift you wish to view is located.

  • Select the Arrow icon to view shift details.

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

View shifts by line

In the Projected Shift screen, you will be able to see the default shift by lines.

In this screen you will be able to identify:

  • A toolbar where you can select the day of the week, Group, and Workstation for which the schedule will be displayed.

  • A daily sales projection on which the schedule is made; as well as the opening and non-computable hours previously configured in the Schedule.

    • Indirect Work: personnel required every quarter-hour according to the table configured in Indirect Work. Indirect work is work that is not related to sales, for example: opening and closing the store, receiving orders from suppliers.

    • Direct Work: personnel required every quarter-hour according to the table configured in Direct Work. Direct work is labor that is directly related to the sale.

    • Ideal Staff: number of workers per quarter-hour resulting from the sum of indirect and direct labor.

    • Projected Staff: number of workers every quarter-hour with shift projected by us.

  • In the Employee line, the difference between the Projected and Ideal Staff will be indicated, the identifying symbols are as follows:

    • V-shaped check: Projected and Ideal Staff are the same.

    • !: there are no workers to cover the shift with the Center open to the public.

    • In case of differences, the amount of excess (+) or shortage (-) of employees projected according to the ideal will be shown.

  • In the Day column, the hours worked during the day are indicated, as well as the Absenteeism and Vacation Incidents with abbreviations for those workers and days that have been recorded.

  • In the Week column, the hours worked during the week for each worker, as well as the excess or shortage of hours, are recorded.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla, Excel<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

View shifts by quadrants

From the Projected Shift screen, select Quadrant to access the shift screen via quadrant.

Gráfico, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
In this screen, you will be able to identify:

  • A column with the Scheduled Hours, where you can see the weekly shift of each worker.

  • A column that indicates the Weekly Hours that each worker has configured.

Note: The data in this column will appear in negative and in red if not all hours are scheduled during the week.

  • If there is an Incident, the worker will have zero programmable hours and the abbreviation of the incident in question will appear in the boxes indicating the days.

  • The Star icon allows you to save turns as favorites and use them at another time.

  • The Filter icon allows you to sort the workers and filter them by category, job position, groups, etc.

  • The Set Schedule button will open a pop-up window to set a new schedule or choose one of your favorites.

Imagen que contiene gabinete<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente