
Overview: Contracts are, together with Labor Categories, one of the two entities that define an employee within an operator. The contracts, in addition to including all the parameters of the agreements, also define the number of fixed weekly hours, the number of computable hours, and the working days.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Contracts.

  • Select New to create a contract.

  • Define a Name for the new contract.

  • Select a Group for the new contract (useful in order to be able to group them in a report).

  • Select a Concept for the new contract (if there are different brands in the same operator, a contract can be specified to be used for a specific brand).

  • Select a Country to determine the region of the new contract (relevant if we have sites in several countries).

  • In Contracted Hours and Labor Compliance define:

    • Fixed hours: these are the hours that the employee must work at least during the week.

    • Variable hours: these are the maximum number of supplementary hours that the employee may work, once these hours are exceeded, they would be overtime.

    • Workday: the number of hours that the employee must work per day.

  • In Contracted Days you can establish the days the employee can work.

  • In Breaks you can set a break in minutes over a number of hours worked. It must be previously configured.

  • In Vacations are defined:

    • Maximum vacation days for this contract.

    • The possibility that this number varies depending on seniority.

    • The possibility that certain absenteeism incidents may be deducted from vacation accruals, such as ERTE, leave of absence, or suspension.

  • In Taken Vacations you can define:

    • How vacation is computed (working days or calendar days).

    • The limit of days that the employee can choose as vacation days.

  • In Termination Prior Notice, the days of notice of the employee, the company, and the duration in days of the trial period for the new contract are defined.

  • Shift Scheduling Alerts may or may not be mandatory. If an alert is mandatory and is not complied with, it will not be allowed to print or finish a shift. They are defined, for example:

    • The employee's weekly days off.

    • The maximum daily or weekly hours that an employee may work.

    • The minimum hours of rest between workdays.

    • The minimum and maximum hours that a shift must last. - The minimum hours that a split shift must contemplate. - The minimum and maximum hours between split shifts.

  • In Labor Compliance Calculation there are 3 types:

    • Standard

    • Working days

    • Based on working days and days off

It is advisable to use the Standard for employees who work 7 days a week, and the Working Days for office workers who are free on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

You can create as many contracts as necessary and parameterize them according to the needs of each position or work center.