
Note: actions performed on the Easilys platform are subject to user access permissions. If you are unable to carry out the actions described in the articles, it may be because you do not have the necessary permissions activated on your user profile. Contact the Support team, or your administrator, for help.

Overview: As a restaurant manager, you can update product information such as units, labels, origins, VAT, etc., to ensure your inventory is accurate and compliant with regulations. This guide takes you through the process.  

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

Modify product information via the "Price lists" screen 

  • Select the Products > Price lists tabs. 


  • Select the price list in which the product to be modified is located. 


Price list details are displayed on screen. 

  • Select the product name

The Supplier product details panel appears at the bottom of the screen. 


  • Select the pencil in the "Supplier product" column or in the "Industrial product" column to make changes. 

The "Update a supplier product" or "Update an industrial product" window appears on the screen, allowing you to modify the items. 

  • Make any necessary changes, then select Update to save your changes.   

Modify product information via the "Products administration - V2" screen 

  • Select the Products > Products administration - V2 tabs. 

  • Use the filters on the left and/or the search by name box to find the product you wish to modify. 

  • Depending on the type of information you wish to modify, select: 
    • the industrial product, to modify product characteristics that do not depend on the supplier, such as brand, allergens, origin, VAT, etc.
    • the supplier's product, to modify product characteristics not dependent on the supplier, such as order units, invoicing, or the supplier's reference.  

The card appears on the right.  

  • Select Modify
  • Make the necessary changes
  • Select Save

Mass modifications can be made to a selection of products from the "Products administration" menu. To find out more, see the article "Mass modify product family on various industrial products". 

For more information, see also the following articles: