
Overview: In Workforce, the configuration of agreements and contracts establishes the work parameters that employees will follow. In this configuration, mandatory rules are directly associated with shift scheduling and are used to ensure that agreements and contracts comply with quality regulations and company policies.

Start from: The Workforce module.

Mandatory Rule for Agreements

  • Navigate to Configuration > Collective Agreements.

  • To modify an existing agreement, select Edit in the row corresponding to the agreement.

  • To create a new agreement, select New.

  • In the pop-up window to create or edit an agreement, locate the section Shift Scheduling Alerts.

Shift Scheduling Alerts may or may not be mandatory. If an alert is mandatory and is not complied with, it will not be allowed to print or finish a shift. You can define, for example:

  • The employee's weekly days off.

  • The maximum daily or weekly hours that an employee may work.

  • The minimum hours of rest between work days.

  • The minimum and maximum hours that a shift must last.

  • The minimum hours that a split shift must contemplate.

  • The minimum and maximum hours between split shifts.

  • Enable the specific rule you wish to make mandatory by checking the Active checkbox.

  • Check the Mandatory field in the rule row to make the rule mandatory in the selected agreement.

  • Select Accept to save the changes OR Cancel to discard them.

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Mandatory rule for Contracts

  • Navigate to Configuration > Contracts.

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  • To modify an existing contract, select Edit in the row corresponding to the contract.

  • To create a new contract, select New.

  • In the pop-up window to create or edit a contract, locate the section Shift Scheduling Alerts.

Shift Scheduling Alerts may or may not be mandatory. If an alert is mandatory and is not complied with, it will not be allowed to print or finish a shift. You can define, for example:

  • The employee's weekly days off.

  • The maximum daily or weekly hours that an employee may work.

  • The minimum hours of rest between work days.

  • The minimum and maximum hours that a shift must last.

  • The minimum hours that a split shift must contemplate.

  • The minimum and maximum hours between split shifts.

  • Enable the specific rule you wish to make mandatory by checking the Active checkbox.

  • Check the Mandatory field in the rule row to make the rule mandatory in the selected agreement.

  • Select Accept to save the changes OR Cancel to discard them.

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