
Overview: Workforce allows users to view a variety of metrics to facilitate workforce management and shift organization. Productivity metrics are one of the most useful tools for assessing and improving the operational efficiency of personnel.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

  • Select the Work Center where the shift you wish to analyze is located.  

  • Select the Arrow icon in the field of the shift you wish to analyze.

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • On the Projected Shift screen, select the Analysis button.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla, Excel<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

Productivity by total demand

Once the Analysis button is selected, the following screen will be displayed:

  • Direct Work Default.

  • Indirect Work Default.

  • Surplus of Projected Hours over Ideal Hours.

  • Indicator (KPI): this is the indicator that will be seen and studied in the report. Scroll down the list and select Productivity. Productivity can be measured using five possible ratios:

    • Net Hourly Sales

    • Hourly Tickets

    • Hourly Customers

    • Minutes per Ticket

    • Minutes per Customer

  • Workstation: productivity measurement can be done by total demand (the entire center) or by workstation. However, in order to be able to display it by workstations, there must be a previous configuration of direct work and indirect work (table by workstations) in the shift; otherwise, the option will be blocked. 

  • Scenario: will be the context in which the selected KPI is integrated. It will be possible to choose between the Projected and, once the turn is over, also the Actual. In the case of productivity measurement, an additional drop-down appears to show the comparison options according to your selection:

    • If the scenario is Projected, the options will be: Projected vs Projected Ideal, and Projected vs Budget. 

    • If the scenario is Actual, the options will be: Actual vs Projected, Actual vs Actual Ideal, Actual vs Budget.

Notes: The term Ideal refers to the number of employees or hours that best fit the shifts based on budget and direct work configuration. Although the Ideal cannot always be reached due to legal regulations or personnel limitations, it is considered that the closer to the ideal, the better.

  • Time Period: can be weekly or daily.

Gráfico<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Metrics visualization

After selecting the parameters, in any of the cases, a table will be displayed with the productivity indicators for the selected days, as well as the comparisons that have been established in the Scenario.

The graphs to be shown are curves indicating productivity growth or decline over the selected period, as well as bars indicating day-to-day differences.

Graphics can be downloaded in image (.JPG, .PNG), document (.PDF), and vector (.SVG) formats.

Gráfico, Histograma<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente