
Overview: as a restaurant manager, you need to understand how managers validate orders to effectively manage and delegate the ordering process.

Start from: the Easilys menu.

Submit an order for validation

Note: when placing an order in the Supplier Orders section, the Send button will not be available once the validation system has been activated. This will be replaced by the Validation request button.

  • Select Validation request.

An Order validation request pop-up window will appear:

  • Choose the delivery method:
    • Manually: once the manager has validated the order, they, or the user who requested validation, must send it by selecting the desired delivery method.
    • Automatically by Email/Fax/EDI: the order will be sent automatically as soon as the manager has validated the order.

  • Add a comment for the supplier, if necessary.
  • Select Request validation.

Note: the order changes to To be validated status, and will remain there until it has been validated.

Validate an order with a To be validated status

Note: if e-mail notification is set in the validation rule, you will receive an e-mail to notify you of the order validation request.

  • Select Supplier orders > Supplier orders in the main menu.
  • Filter order status by checking only To be validated.

Orders to be validated are displayed in the Carts section.

  • Select a shopping cart you wish to validate.

The order details will appear on the screen.

  • Select Accept or Reject.

Note: you can exchange information between the person responsible for validation and the user requesting validation of the order via the Follow-up area.