
Overview: As an Easilys user, you sometimes hear about an upcoming automatic database update. In this article, we'll try to give you a little more information on the subject.

What is automatic database updating?

Automatic updating of the database concerns supplier products and their visibility in the site hierarchy.

When this update is launched, the modifications made on the supplier products are propagated to the child sites.

So, if you make changes on the parent site, you have to wait for the update before these same changes are visible on your child sites.

This update is scheduled to run once a day. But we can't contractually guarantee Easilys performance if it's launched during the day, which is why it's usually scheduled at night.

Why can't this update be more frequent?

Automatic database updates hamper Easilys performance. This can lead to all users being completely blocked for several minutes!

For Easilys, launching the update during the day is like throwing a stick in the wheel of a cyclist in full sprint. It stalls, and recovery is also very slow.

Bear in mind that although the update initially takes 5 seconds, it could take up to 3 minutes in several months' time as the volume of data increases. In technology, there are always compromises. The choice made in Easilys is as follows: The user can carry out numerous actions in real-time within the application (calculating requirements, Smart Selection, prices recalculated live at the slightest recipe change in the menus, live cost price simulation, etc.). However, you have to accept that a product update will ONLY be visible on child sites the following day.

It's a choice that favors rapid calculation of menus and needs over rapid propagation of item prices on child sites.