
Overview: When it comes to the weekly ROTAs (shifts) of the personnel, Workforce allows the projection of schedules per week in several ways, one of which is optimization. Once the pre-configuration is done, the optimization allows scheduling to be done automatically, addressing problems such as overstaffing or understaffing promptly.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

  • Select the Work Center where you want to create the optimized shift.
  • Select New to create a new shift OR the Arrow icon on an existing weekly ROTA you wish to optimize.

Sales projection

  • Once in the Projected Shift screen, select the $ icon.

Sales projection edition

In the Daily Projection tab, the system will give you, based on the sales history, an automatic sales projection for the chosen week:Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

By default, the system will show you as a projection the most recent sales history, tickets, and customers by sales channel.

  • Select the Magnitude dropdown to switch between the different magnitudes (Net Sales, Tickets, and Customers).

  • Select Source to switch between the different data sources that have been configured for the sales projection. These sources can be:
    • POS historical data: we can choose any historical week by selecting it in the calendar icon.
    • Budget: as long as we have a previously configured budget.
  • You can manually modify any of the data shown in the sales projection by simply selecting any point in the matrix.
  • If necessary, add a percentage variation to this data by filling in the fields under Variation %.
  • Select Apply to save the changes.

Daily sales distribution control

  • Select the Distribution by 1/4 h tab to analyze or modify the method of calculating the distribution of daily sales.
  • In the dropdown, when you choose Historical Week, you can choose any previous week as the daily sales trend model. For any of the days, you can choose up to 5 previous comparable days to compute in the daily trend average.
  • If you choose the Same day of the week option, you can select the number of previous comparable weeks (up to 5).
  • Finally, you will have the option of a comparable day from the previous year.
  • Select Apply once you have chosen the desired sales projection for each day of the week.

Apply optimization

  • Once the sales projection is set up and the employee positions are assigned, return to the Projected Shift screen.
  • Back in the Projected Shift screen, select the Optimize Shift icon.

  • Once the optimization is launched, the icon will change and will be displayed as Optimization in Progress. This icon will rotate until the shift is calculated. This process can take up to 25 minutes.

Imagen que contiene nombre de la empresa<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Once the calculation is finished, the icon will change again indicating that the result is ready (Optimization Available) and can be loaded in the ROTA.
  • Select the optimization icon.

Diagrama<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja

  • Accept and choose if you want to save the underlying shift. The shift will be shown for the entire week.

Imagen que contiene público<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Notes: While the optimization is being calculated, you can leave the projected shift screen or even Workforce.