
Overview: GIR allows you to project Sales Budgets that will help you manage your business and make comparisons on the real current or historical results. To make any projection or modification to the budgets, it is necessary to first create the budget and assign access permissions to it.  

Start from: The Analytics module.  

  • Navigate to Configuration > Budgets


  • Select the Budgets button. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media 

  • Type the name of the budget you want to create. 

  • Select the + button.  

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • Once created, find the new budget in the table and flip the switch in the row of each role to enable the roles that will have access to it. 

Captura de pantalla de computadora<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente