
Overview: Engagement provides venue managers with the Recognitions tool, a way to effectively encourage and acknowledge their employees' efforts. To make the most of this tool, managers need to know what recognitions are and how to use them. 

Start from: The Engagement dashboard.  

What are Recognitions?  

Recognitions is a functionality that allows company employees to evaluate each other. In this section, users can create and edit surveys, review the data results, and access employee and level rankings. 

By using this tool, the company will know which employees are the best valued and take action based on that, while managers could know which people on their team are the ones they consider the most competent and pleasant colleagues. On the other hand, employees will be able to evaluate those co-workers in their work performance, and as teammates. 


How to use Recognitions?  

In the Engagement module, you will be able to access three Recognitions features:  

  • Analysis: It is a dashboard that collects general data on the recognitions given and received by employees. 
    To know more about this feature, see Check your recognitions dashboard.

  • Employee ranking: In a table, all employees are displayed, ordered from best to worst score. 

  • Level ranking: Exactly the same as the employee rankings, but in this case by levels. 

To give Recognitions, you will have to access Mapal One, specifically to Company > My Colleagues.