
Overview: The Engagement has integrated a dashboard into its interface, allowing users to easily track progress in critical areas. In this article, we will show you how to navigate through the elements of this dashboard.  

Start from: The Engagement module.  

When opening Engagement, you will automatically see the Dashboard. If you are navigating Engagement, you can return to the dashboard by selecting Home from the main menu.   

  • The Dashboard is made up of 4 tiles


  • Recognitions: This tile displays a summary of all recognitions awarded during the timeframe chosen in the date selector. This is then compared as a percentage to the preceding period. For a more detailed analysis, users have the option to choose specific reasons for recognition. 

  • Engagement Score: The Engagement Score is computed by combining the response rate from surveys and the level of interaction on news posts. In the future, we plan to incorporate more factors into this calculation, such as the number of recognitions, among others. his is also compared as a percentage to the preceding period. 

  • Push Surveys: This tile gives an overview of any active surveys on the users platform, including details of the start/end date and the percentage/number of survey completions. 

  • Communications: This shows the number of active posts across the platform including the average number of views as a percentage and a comparison with the preceding period. 

You can customize the view of data in the Dashboard using Filters. You can filter information by levels, reasons, and date range.

Note: The dashboard will show data corresponding to access levels set up for your user profile. 


Switching between multiple operators

Users who have the same email registered with multiple operators are able to switch between operators. 

  • Find the pop-up operators list to view the operators available (this is usually towards the bottom right of the screen).
  • Select the operator you want to switch to.