
Overview: Compliance allows store managers to create processes and tasks within a procedure so that they can ensure consistency and compliance with company standards. 

Start from: The Compliance dashboard.  

  • Select Tasks > Setup from the main menu. 


  • Select the Module where your procedure is located. 

If you haven’t created a procedure in the module yet, see Create a procedure

Create a process within a procedure 

  • Once inside the module, scroll down to Processes and select New Process


  • Add the name of the new process on the Label field. 

  • Select Save


  • In your newly created process, select Procedures

  • Select the ^ button beside Connected to other processes

  • Check the box of the procedure or procedures you want to link to your new process.  


  • Select Save.  

Now the process you created is linked to the procedure.  


Assign a process to a location

  • Select Tasks > Setup from the main menu. 


  • Select the module where your new process is located.  

  • Select your process


  • Select the three dots at the top of the page and press Enable


  • Search and select the locations that need the new process. 

  • Select Save


Create a task within a procedure 

Tasks can be associated with a procedure at the moment of creation. You can then move them to the specific areas where you want them to be published.  

To create a task associated with a procedure and assign it to an area, see Create a task and move it to the relevant area

View your new process or task on a location 

View tasks 

  • Select Choose location from the main menu. 


  • Select the area where you assigned the task on the Daily Schedule and locate the task. 


View processes 

  • Select My location > Processes from the main menu. 


  • See your new process active. 


  • Select the process to see which procedures and tasks that are connected to it.