
Overview: procedures are like guides for locations on how to carry out specific activities within Tasks on Compliance. These must be created at a central level, but can edited for specific locations on a local level. See Edit procedures for a location for more information.

Start from: the Compliance central Overview page.

  • Select Procedures from the main menu.
  • Select the CREATE PROCEDURE button.
  • Complete the fields in each of the sections of the New procedure form that appears.

Note: the Label and Module fields are mandatory.


  • Select PREVIEW to see what the procedure would look like.
  • Select SAVE when you finish creating and editing the procedure.

See below for a brief description on how to complete each of the fields:

Label: enter a name for your procedure.
Module: select the module you wish to link the procedure to. For example, you may wish to link a ‘Disinfect working areas’ procedure to a Food Safety module.
Description: provide any necessary information on how to carry our this procedure. You can add text, images and links. Note: select the Full screen button to expand the text box.
Attachments: add any documents that are necessary to carry out this procedure. For example, you may wish to add an instructions manual for more complex procedures.