Overview: You can customise the central tasks you want to be displayed on the daily schedule. This helps you to ensure that only the required tasks are visible. To do this, you can choose to enable or disable certain areas.
Start from: The Compliance overview page.
- Select Tasks > Areas/checklists.
- Select EDIT
Note: The Areas/checklists list will reveal Edit or Delete options for each area.
- Find the area in the list that you want to enable or disable.
- Select Edit. Note: A pop-up will display the area and settings.
- Select the Publish Checklist in the Daily Schedule toggle switch to enable or disable the checklist from appearing in the Daily schedule.
- Select the Assign area /checklist to all users toggle switch to enable or disable the checklist from being assigned out to all users.
- Select the Mandatory to all users toggle switch to enable or disable the checklist from being mandatory to all users that are assigned it.
- Select SAVE to confirm your changes and enable the area OR select CANCEL to discard the change.
Note: The indicator next to each area in the Published tasks list appears green when enabled and red when disabled.
Now that you have enabled the area, it will be displayed in the daily schedule. Disabling an area will remove it from the daily schedule.