
Overview: Training managers will have access to a range of functionality from the Flow Management System. You can find out how to get onto the system with the instructions below.

Learners need to access Flow using an alternative method. For more about this, see Access Flow Learning as a learner.

Access via Mapal OS

If you're using Mapal OS, follow the guide at Access Mapal OS (as a manager).

Note: If you're not sure whether you should be using Mapal OS, contact your line manager or your Mapal Customer Success manager.

Log in as a training manager

Start from: The Flow Hospitality Training welcome email.

  • Follow the instructions on your welcome email prompting you to set a password and log in to the Flow Learning Management System.
  • When you've successfully logged in, you should arrive at the Flow Learning dashboard (below).

Troubleshooting log in issues

If you are having trouble logging in to Flow Learning, contact your line manager or Customer Success manager. For learners, you can check our guide to Troubleshooting learner log in issues.