
Overview: A learner might ask for their Flow Learning Certificates if they have chosen to leave your company and want to retain a copy of their learning records. Learners can download their own certificates on the Mapal One platform, from within the My Library section. However, if a learner requires assistance with this, the following article details how to download and print certificates of completed training records.

All learner accounts are transferrable. This means that if their new employer also uses Flow Learning, all of their learning records can be transferred over. A new employer may stipulate that learners re-take essential training for compliance purposes. If a learner requires their previous training to be transferred, please get in touch with us.

Start from: The Flow Dashboard.


  • Select Company > Learners to view a list of all learners in the company.

  • Scroll down the list OR select    to open the search bar and enter the name of your learner OR select    to open a list of options you can filter by. Note: A red dot    tells you that a filter is applied.
  • Select   ,    or    beside the column title to order the learners list by Name, Branch, Job Title or Employee Start Date.
  • Select the learner you want to download the certificate(s) for to open their learner profile.

  • Select the Modules tab from the menu.
  • Select    next to the relevant completed module. Note: The certificate option won't be available unless the learning item has been completed.
  • Select    Certificate. Note: This will automatically open up another tab in your browser where you can download and print the certificate.