Overview: Quizzes can make the learning process much more interactive and fun, which in turn increases learner engagement and motivation. This can aid in retention of information, moving learning into a more active space rather than a passive one. This article covers how training managers can create their own quizzes to include quick and easy knowledge check resources as part of the overall learning experience.
Start from: The Flow Learning Dashboard.
Knowledge Checks
Knowledge Checks, often implemented as quizzes, enhance the learning experience by making it more interactive and engaging. This tool allows you to create quick assessments that help learners reinforce their understanding of key concepts. By incorporating quizzes, you can move learning into a more active space, improving information retention and ensuring that learners grasp essential topics before progressing. Knowledge Checks can be customised with various question types and are a valuable resource for tracking learner comprehension.
Knowledge checks setup
- Select Learning & Development > L&D Settings > Knowledge Checks from the main menu.
- Select Add (+).
Details section:
- Enter a title, a description, a thumbnail and a passmark.
Questions section:
- Add a number of categories (to group similar question types).
Note: You can add up to 25 questions.
- Within questions, you can select 2 types of questions:
- Single Select
- Multi Select
Note: Select which answer is correct, so that the system can score the user correctly. Scores will be calculated based on the number of questions in the Knowledge Check and the number of correct answers a user has given.