
Overview: Budget creation in GIR is a crucial process in the configuration of each work center. Budgets allow an efficient allocation of financial resources based on working time, so as to have an optimal control of operational and personnel costs. 

Start from: The Workforce module.

GIR allows employers to create two types of hour budgets:

Effective Hours Budget

This budget is linked to the Center's sales budget and must be created first.

The effective hours budget is useful for:

  • Use it as one more scenario (in addition to the projected and actual) in the weekly shift analysis of the magnitudes and KPIs (productivity, hours, and personnel cost).

  • Use it as another scenario in the visualization of magnitudes and KPIs in the Personnel BI.

  • Create a Contracted Hours budget.

To learn how to create an effective hours budget, see Budget hours based on effective time.

Contracted Hours Budget

This budget is linked to the sales budget and effective hours of the Centers. It can only be created once an effective hours budget has been created.

With the Contracted Hours Budget, you will be able to:

  • Control the contracted hours per Center when making the additions, deletions, and labor modifications of employees by proposal.

  • Visualize the magnitudes and KPIs in the Personnel BI when the Budget scenario is set.

To learn how to create a contracted hours budget, see Budget hours based on contracted time.