
Overview: In order to manage deviations effectively, it is key to understand the Deviation Action Plan. Here, we look at this feature and how to get the most from it. 

Start from: The Daily Schedule.


Local settings

  • Choose a specific location in the Main Menu.
  • Select Deviation Action Plan > Local settings.

There, you can use the same settings as centrally or chose a different form to use. 



  • Select Deviation Action Plan > Overview.

There, you will have:

  • Open deviations not added to Plan: New deviations and number of deviations not added or removed from the action plan.
  • Deviations in Plan: Show the number of deviations added to the action plan. 
  • Not assigned deviations: Show the number of deviations that have not been assigned to a user.
  • Overdue deviations in Plan: Deviations that are after the due date set. 
  • Deviations without a due date: Deviations without a specified due date.
  • Deviations that will be soon overdue: Deviations that will be overdue in less than 7 days.


To Do

  • Choose a specific location in the Main Menu.
  • Select Deviation Action Plan > To Do.


There, you can see deviations that are active. You can use the following filters: 

  • All (open and closed) deviations.
  • Open deviations.
  • Open deviations of corrective deviation type.
  • Open deviations that have an alarm.


Add deviations to the action plan

  • Select + Add deviations.

Note: you can choose to exclude the deviations you don't want to add.


More options

  • Select the three dots icon.

There, you can:

  • Open: Open to read or edit the deviation 
  • History: See history for the task 
  • Exclude: Exclude deviations you do not want to add to the action plan 



  • Choose a specific location in the Main Menu.
  • Select Deviation Action Plan > Plan.

Note: This section gathers all the deviations added to the action plan. You can filter out all deviations for a period (both active and closed) 


Creating a deviation form

  • Select Open Deviation Form.

A new pop-up window will open:

  • Select Create deviation in public form OR Create deviation in private form.


Creating a meeting agenda

Select + Create new agenda.


Creating a local task

Select + Create local task.