
Overview: when making changes to procedures, it is recommended that central-level users notify existing locations of these changes, to maintain consistency and compliance across all locations. This article describes how to make changes in procedures and ensure all locations are notified. See Update procedures at a local level for more information on how to view and accept those changes to procedures on a local level.

Start from: The Compliance Overview page.

  • Select Procedures in the Main Menu.
  • Select the relevant procedure.
  • Select the Edit icon.

  • Change the relevant information.
  • Select Save
  • A confirmation pop-up will appear.
  • Add a comment to Describe the change and tick the box Notify existing locations about changes to ensure relevant teams are informed.
  • If you want the update to appear in Mapal One, tick the box Post the update in Mapal One. This will make the update visible in the Required by you section for users in Mapal One.
  • Select Publish new version to finalise and distribute the update.