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Overview: as a restaurant manager, you must prepare and send orders to ensure your establishment has the products needed for your production. This guide will guide you through this process.

Note: it is also possible to be assisted by Easilys in preparing orders.

Start from: the Easilys menu.

Create a shopping cart

  • Select the Commandes fournisseurs (Supplier orders) tab and select the Commandes fournisseurs (Supplier orders) tab.
  • Use the search bar to find the supplier product you need to order.
  • Scroll down the product and click on the supplier product you wish to order.


The "Choisir la quantité” (Choose quantity) window appears.

  • Check that the delivery date is correct.

Note: if no other date is suggested, you need to review the supplier master record, which may be incorrectly configured. To find out more, see Creating a new supplier master record.

  • Enter the quantity to be ordered.
  • Select Ajouter (Add).


The shopping cart is now created, and is visible in the Paniers (Shopping Cart) section.

Once the shopping cart is opened, you can:

Edit one line

  • Select the orange pencil next to the line you want to edit.

Add further supplier products

  • Select + Produits (Products) to add further supplier products to this order.


    Remove a product

    • Select the red cross next to the product you want to delete.

    Add a comment related to the shopping cart

    • Select the orange pencil next to Commentaires (Comment).
      The “Mettre à jour le commentaire de cette commande” (Update comment for this command) window appears.

    • Write your comment in the “Commentaire à ajouter à la commande” (Comment to add to the order) box.

    • Select Mettre à jour (Update).

    Delete a shopping cart

    • Select the trash.
      The “Supprimer une commande” (Delete Order) window appears.

    • Select Supprimer (Delete).

    Edit the delivery date

    • Select your chosen delivery date next to “Date de livraison” (Delivery Date).

    Print or download the order

    • Select the print icon.

    • Select the desired format.

    Save and close to continue later

    • Select Enregistrer et Fermer (Save and Close).

    Send an order

    • Select the shipping method if more than one is available.

    • Select Envoyer manuellement (Send manually) or Envoyer par… (Send by...) depending on the shipping method chosen.

    The shopping cart disappears and a confirmation message appears on screen.

    Orders sent from Easilys then generate a receipt automatically, which you simply need to validate once delivery has been made for all products to enter stock automatically.