
​​Notes: actions performed on the Easilys platform are subject to user access permissions. If you are unable to carry out the actions described in the articles, it may be because you do not have the necessary permissions activated on your user profile. Contact the Support team, or your administrator, for help.
Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to create a recipe to diversify your menu offering and offer customers new culinary experiences. Creating recipes in Easilys enables you to forecast production costs, make order proposals, and automate your stock releases in line with your production or your cash register returns. This guide takes you through the process. 
Starting point: The Easilys menu. 

Creating a new recipe involves several stages. It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to go through with it, depending on your needs. 

  • Navigate to Recipes > Recipe management

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  • Select + Create a recipe


The Create Recipe window appears on the screen. 

  • Please complete the information requested: 

  • Name*: This is the name of the recipe that will appear in production reports and menus. 
  • Commercial name*: This is the name of the recipe that will appear on printable menus. This is the name your guests will get from the recipe. 
  • External code: This code can be used to search for a recipe or recipe group using the search bar. The code does not have to be unique for each recipe, and can be up to 30 characters long. Depending on how you operate, the External code field can be used for different purposes. Do not change its value without checking with your administrator that you are aware of its use in your case. 
  • For* ... Choose a production unit: You can choose the production unit and indicate the production quantity for which the recipe is intended. If you have an interface with a cash register system, the production unit for recipes linked with the cash register must be Piece or Portion only. 
  • Reference weight: Enter the weight in grams of the production unit. This is the recipe's default weight. You can then manage specific weights for different guests. Note that if the production unit is Kilograms, the value is automatically set to 1000. This information must be filled in correctly, regardless of the production unit, if you want the nutritional values to be calculated correctly, or if you want to define several grammages for this recipe. 
  • Lifetime (D): This is the lifetime of the recipe once it has been produced. This information will be taken into account by Easilys when issuing production reports listing the preparations to be made during the day. 
  • Production batch: By entering the weight in kilograms of a production batch here, you will obtain information on the number of batches to be produced and the quantities of ingredients for each on the production reports. 
  • Compatible menu items: This indicates which meal components the recipe is compatible with. So, for example, the application will show you all recipes compatible with starters when you fill in a starter menu box. 
  • Recipe sub-category: Indicate the category or sub-category to which the recipe belongs. This allows you to use filters or create Smart Selection, Smart Grammage, or Smart Packaging rules. 
  • Production workshop: Indicate which production workshop the recipe corresponds to. This will be taken into account in the production reports, which can specify which workshop is expected to produce a given output for the day. 
  • Type of transformation: If you have defined processing types (e.g. boiling, roasting, frying, etc.) you can specify this information here. This notion can be used to set Smart Rendement rules. 
  • Storage of finished products: Check the box "Render this recipe as a stored finished product" if you wish this recipe to be added to the stock. 
  • Select Create

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