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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you'll need to prepare and validate exit vouchers to ensure accurate tracking of items leaving your stock. This guide takes you through the process. 
Start from: The Easilys menu. 
From this screen you can prepare exit vouchers in advance for a chosen date. This makes it easier to prepare for production by planning in advance the list of items to be removed from stock, and simplifies stock removals at the end of the day, as all you have to do is validate the order and Easilys automatically removes all the items. 


Prepare a new exit voucher 

  • Navigate to Stock >Exit vouchers

  • Select + Create

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 


You are then redirected to a blank exit voucher form, in its "Generalities" tab. 

  • Complete the information in the "Generalities" section: at the very least, indicate the release date, the service, and the origin of the outputs in question (daily exit [sortie journalière], manual regularization exit [sortie de régul. manuelle], annex exit [sortie annexe], or exceptional exit [sortie exceptionelle]). 

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select Validate

The exit voucher is now ready to be filled out. 

Note the presence of a guide when you are in the "Generalities" tab of the exit voucher. This guide is here to remind you of the steps you need to take before validating your exit voucher. 

  • Select the exit voucher's Details tab or select Add desired products to exit voucher in the guide. 

  • Select + Product

The "Add a supplier product" panel appears. 


  • Select "Supplier product" in the search bar to select a product to add to the exit voucher. 

The "Output" section of the "Add a supplier product" panel then appears. 

  • Indicate the quantity to be issued from the selected supplier product. 



  • Select Validate

The product is added to the exit voucher. 

Modify an exit voucher 

  • Select Modify in the "Generalities" tab to change the release date or service, for example. 

  • Select a supplier product from the list in the "Details" tab to modify the quantity to be issued or delete the product from the issue slip. 

Validating an exit voucher 

  • Select Validate outputs in the "Generalities" tab of the stock removal slip to validate the stock removal slip and enable Easilys to automatically remove stock from your warehouse. 
