
Overview: Workforce allows users to generate a wide variety of customized payroll incidences reports, making it easy to modify fields on these reports to tailor data to specific needs and metrics.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Payroll Incidences.

  • Select the Reports tab.

  • In this tab, you will be able to see a list of the previously configured Reports.

  • Locate the Report you wish to edit and select the arrow icon under the Settings column.

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Notes: When the arrow is blue, it means that there is already information configured for the report.

  • A window will be displayed where you can view the previously configured fields and add new fields. In this window, you can choose which data you want to display and in which order:

    • In Column you choose the order of the report columns. You cannot have two columns with the same number.

    • In the Group dropdown, you can choose between center data, absence incidents, or payroll incidents.

    • Depending on the group you have selected, you will be presented with Field options to select from.

    • The Header allows you to custom rename the column. If you do not fill in this field, it will appear blank in Excel.

    • The + button adds the configured column to the report.

    • You can delete any column by selecting the trash can icon 🗑.

    • Choose whether to show totals in the report.

    • Select whether you want to add restrictions and then choose what type of restrictions.

  • When you complete the report configuration, select Close to close the window and save the customized report.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Note that you can add as many data fields as required and available.

Notes: Regardless of the order in which you add the columns, they will be sorted numerically in ascending order. Once the columns have been added, you will not be able to modify them, you must delete them and fill in all the fields again.