
Overview: In order to facilitate the classification, location, and filtering of employee documentation created in the system, Workforce makes tags available to users.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Documentation from the main menu.

Add tags

The process of adding tags to documentation can be done by two possible means: during the creation of a new documentation or when editing an existing document.

To learn how to create new documentation, see Upload and assign a document.

To learn how to edit or add tags to an existing document, see Edit details in employee documentation.

Manage tags

The Documentation screen has a specific tool for managing tags to be used in employee documentation. To access this tool:

  • Select Manage Tags in the Documentation screen.
  • To add a new tag, type the name in the New field and press the + button.
  • You can Edit an existing tag by selecting the pen button in the row of each tag.
  • You can Delete an existing tag by selecting the trash can button 🗑 in the row of each tag.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Teams<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente