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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you can use the order comparison function to find out which supplier will offer you the best price for your order cart, or for each individual product. This guide takes you through the process. 

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

By using the order comparison, you can determine whether the items listed in an order basket in preparation are available from another supplier, while anticipating the possible consequences of ordering from that specific supplier. 

  • Select the Supplier orders > Supplier orders tabs. 

  • Hover over the shopping cart for which you wish to use the comparison. The following icon appears:  

  • Select the icon

The "Order comparison" window appears on the screen. 

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  • Select the supplier with whom you wish to compare the order cart prepared by the supplier displayed on the left. 


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The comparison is then displayed. 
Notes: It is possible to change the delivery date for Supplier B. 

  • The left-hand column shows the supplier products available from supplier A. 

The right-hand column shows the supplier products available from supplier B. 
Notes: If products are unavailable from supplier B, "No products" is displayed. 

The column in the middle shows the differences in price, quantity, and amount resulting from the choice of supplier product. 

 Notes: By default, the least expensive supplier products are selected from Supplier A or Supplier B. 

  • When you select a supplier's product, it turns blue and the other supplier's product is grayed out.   

  • Select all supplier products available from a supplier at once, by selecting the blue arrow

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  • Subtotals and totals are calculated by taking into account the selected supplier products, those in blue, and the shipping costs of the supplier concerned. 


  • The initial amount of the order basket in preparation is recalled. 


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  • The total amount after selecting the supplier products at supplier A or B is shown, including shipping costs for both suppliers. 


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  • The differences between the initial order and the new one are displayed. 


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  • If you wish to carry out the orders as they appear in the order comparison, simply select Validate

Supplier A's order basket will be automatically updated to include only the supplier products selected in Supplier A's column, and a new order basket at Supplier B will be created with the supplier products selected in Supplier B's column on the delivery date selected in the order comparison.