Overview: By configuring the Sales dashboard, Analytics allows users to visualize sales growth and decline by work center at a glance.

Start from: The Analytics module.

  • Select Sales from the main menu.
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  • Select the Parameters button.
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  • In Analysis, you can establish:
    • If you want to display the Sales as Net Sales or Gross Sales.
    • If you want to see the Traffic by Checks or Guests.
    • The Comparison Scenario of the analytics can be Like for Like, Actual vs Previous Year, Actual vs Budget, Budget vs Last Year.
    • The Reference Year, which can be any of the last five (5) years.
    • If you wish to view Average Amounts, either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
  • Under Period, state :
    • The time Period you wish to view. You can view the last day, week, month, year or a specific date range you select.
    • If you wish to exclude or include specific days of the week.
    • If you wish to include Bank Holidays, Holiday Eves, Events, and Exclude outlier dates.
    • If you want to filter by Weather or Temperatures.
  • In Types and Sales Periods, establish :
    • If you wish to see Individual or Groups of sales types. Then, select the specific type or group of types from the dropdown.
    • If you wish to view one or all of the Sales Periods.
  • Under Others, you can set parameters such as data source, currencies, and percentage variations in local currency, or ignore days with no sales.
  • Once the setting is complete, select Accept to save it OR Cancel to discard it.
  • Back on the Analytics Sales screen, select Filter by Business Unit.
  • In this window, you can select the specific Business Unit or Units for which you wish to consult the losses.
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  • Once you have selected the center(s), the Sales Analytics screen will show you a list of the selected units with the data. In this screen you can take an overview of actual sales, past sales (based on the comparable year), and the variation in percentage and amounts.
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  • You can save this scenario you have created by clicking the Scenarios button and assigning it a name.

Create the visualization dashboard

With the parameters configured and the scenario saved, you can return to the Analytics Dashboard to search for it and set it in a Dashboard. This way you will be able to access this data easily and permanently. 

To create the dashboard:

  • Select Dashboard from the main menu
  • Select New + to create a new Dashboard.
  • Assign a name to the new dashboard
  • Select + New Widget.
  • In the pop-up window, select the following parameters:
    • Module: Choose the Sales module.
    • Scenario: Select the scenario you have created and want to display.
    • Widget type: Simple (data only), Graph (graphs only), or Simple + Graph (data and graphs).
    • Widget size: if you want to display it in horizontal or vertical format.
    • Magnitudes: Select the magnitude to be displayed, either Net Sales, Customers, or Average Net Customer Ticket.
  • Press Accept to save the widget OR Cancel to discard it.

Once the widget is configured, you will be able to access this visual easily in the dashboard you have created.

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