
Overview: Workforce allows employers to change leave balances so that they can correctly reflect and manage employee leave entitlements and usage. 

Start from: The Workforce module.

Reset a balance

  • Navigate to Configuration > Labour Quotas.

  • Select Balances.

Notes: Select the word Balances directly, not the drop-down list. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select Edit in the row of the specific balance to be modified.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select the Balance Start Date (the date from which you want to reset the balances to zero).

  • Check the Reset Balance box.

  • Select Accept to reset the balance OR Cancel to discard the procedure. 

Add or subtract to the balance manually

  • Select Workforce Management > Payroll Incidences.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select the Work Center.

  • Select the arrow icon in the row of the specific period for which you wish to modify the balance.

  • Select from the Incidences of Payroll dropdown the specific incident whose balance you wish to modify.

  • In the Incidences of Payroll screen, you will see the following elements:

  • Employee: You will see a list of the workers in the selected center.

  • Balance: It will show the accumulated balance for each worker.

  • The following columns, each one corresponding to a day of the selected period.

  • The editable numeric boxes allow you to enter amounts (of days, hours, or sums) owed or paid to workers on each day of the period.

For system purposes, positive numbers (1.00) imply that a unit has been paid and will be subtracted from the balance; while negative numbers (-1.00) imply that a unit is owed, so the number will be added to the balance.

For example, if an employee has 3 days in his or her holiday balance and takes or is paid for those days, the employer should put a 3.00 in one of the boxes or fill boxes for three days with 1.00. This will result in a balance of 0.00 for the worker.

Now, if the employee has these 3 days and works 2 more holidays, the employer will have to put -1.00 in the box for each holiday worked, thus leaving the balance at 5.00, which implies that this employee is owed 5 holidays.


  • Once the balance has been modified, check the Completed box to lock the actions in the table and indicate that the changes have been made.

  • Select Save to keep the changes OR Exit without saving to discard them.