
Note: actions performed on the Easilys platform are subject to user access permissions. If you are unable to carry out the actions described in the articles, it may be because you do not have the necessary permissions activated on your user profile. Contact the Support team, or your administrator, for help.

Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to understand why an order remains in "Pending" status, so you can take the necessary steps to ensure on-time delivery. This guide takes you through the process. 

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

"I've sent my order but it remains in "Pending" status on the "Order Tracking" screen. I don't have a receipt available on the "Receipts" screen either." 

Was the order sent less than 30 minutes ago? 

Orders sent by e-mail or fax are handled by one of our service providers, who can take several minutes to dispatch as there are often thousands of orders to be sent at the same time. 
We therefore advise you to wait up to 30 minutes before worrying. 

Was the order sent by e-mail more than 30 minutes ago? 

An option in the supplier file adds a clickable link to e-mails to acknowledge receipt of the order. 

  • Select the Products > Suppliers tabs.   

  • Select the supplier sheet of the relevant supplier. 

The supplier sheet opens 

  • Select Modify

  • In the "Orders" section of the supplier master record, select the "Display a clickable read confirmation link in the order e-mail" option. 

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 
If this option is checked, then the supplier must click on the link for your order to become "Sent" on Easilys. 
-> If your supplier does not want to systematically click on this link, we advise you to uncheck the option. 
-> For orders blocked as "Pending", you can unblock them by going to the order details on the "Track order" screen: 

  • Select the Supplier orders > Track orders tabs. 

  • Open the Pending order. 

  • Select "Attention" then set the order status to "Sent". 

If this option is not checked, then it may be a technical incident: please contact us so that we can analyze the situation. 

Was the order sent by fax more than 30 minutes ago? 

This may be due to a technical problem: please contact us so that we can analyze the situation. ​