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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you can create a product to expand your Business Unit's range or keep its stock up to date. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

  • Select the Products > Price Lists tabs.


  • From the list of price lists, select the price list in which you wish to create a supplier product.

Note: if the price list linked to the right supplier does not yet exist, you must create it.

  • In the price list, select +Add a supplier product.

A list of existing supplier products is viewed.

The application proposes a list of products already in the database. Scroll to the bottom of the list to select Create.

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It is also possible to directly select an existing supplier product, but only if the supplier product you wish to add to your supplier's price list is a perfect match for an existing supplier product in another supplier's price list. To do this, see the article Create a copy of an existing product from another supplier.

The safest thing to do is always to create a new supplier product. 

  • To create a brand-new product, scroll to the bottom of the list and select Create.

The “Create supplier product” window appears.

  • Indicate to which industrial product your supplier product is linked.
  • If you don't want to link your supplier product to an existing industrial product, ignore any proposals the application may make and select Create an industrial product.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Page web<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

If you decide to attach your supplier product to an existing industrial product, bear in mind that all supplier products sharing this industrial product will be impacted if you modify the industrial product information from one of the supplier products.

So it's impossible to have one product labelled organic and another not, if these two supplier products are attached to the same industrial product.

Two reports appear on the screen. Complete them.

  • Select Create.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, logiciel<br><br>Description générée automatiquement