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Overview: as a restaurant manager, you want to administer various qualifying information, such as waste families, waste types, locations, stages and services, to obtain detailed information on your waste production. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: the Easilys menu.

What do you want to control?

By clearly defining your objectives, you can then create the various pieces of information that will qualify your weighing.

The information in question is as follows: waste family (e.g. food excluding bread, bread, non-food), waste (e.g. peelings, bread, leftovers), stage (e.g. end of service, cold preparation), location (e.g. cold preparation workshop, dining room A) and service (e.g. lunch, dinner).

The first step in implementing the Easilys "Waste measurement and analysis" module is to clearly define your objectives.

The principle is simple: to create an element, simply select the cogwheel.

A little subtlety: to create a waste family, you have to go through the cogwheel of the "Waste" element, because a waste family is not linked to a manual weighing device or a collector, but to a waste item.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, logiciel<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

  • Select the Waste analysis > Weighing tabs.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, nombre<br><br>Description générée automatiquement


  • Select + Create.

Une image contenant texte, Police, capture d’écran<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

A blank "Weighing sheet" form is displayed on the right of the screen.

  • You'll find cogwheel buttons on the "What?" and "Where?" elements.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

By selecting one of these cogwheels, a small administration window appears on the screen: to modify an element select the small pencil icon, to delete select the cross and to create a new element select + Create.
(It is not possible to delete services).

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Page web<br><br>Description générée automatiquement