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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to use recipe component tags to streamline and optimize the ordering process, with a view to improving efficiency and profitability. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

Recipe component tags can be very useful in the preparation of your orders and your production, as they tell Easilys how to behave in relation to items bearing a particular tag.

In practice, this allows Easilys to decide whether to disregard items with this or that tag in order picking or production reports, or, on the contrary, to take into account only items with this or that tag.

For example, you can ask Easilys to ignore items marked "Do not order" on the "Order preparation" screen. Easilys will therefore not be offering orders for these ingredients.


Tag creation is the responsibility of administrators. Once created, they are available to all sites in the Easilys environment.

  • Select the Sites > Tag administration.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, nombre<br><br>Description générée automatiquement


  • In the "Recipe component tags" section, select + Add tag.
  • Name the tag, then select Create.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, logiciel<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

Recording is instantaneous, so you don't have to do anything else.


  • Select the Recipes > Recipe administration.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police<br><br>Description générée automatiquement


  • Select a recipe card in which you wish to add recipe component tags.
  • Make sure the simulator is deactivated. (If this is activated, it is not possible to modify the recipe).
  • In the component table, select + visible in the "Tags" column to add a tag to an element.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Page web<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

Recording is instantaneous. You have nothing more to do.

Example: You can add the tag "Do not order" to salt and pepper. So you can ask Easilys not to worry about these ingredients when preparing your order.

Example: You can add the tag "Do not produce" to the vinaigrette. In this way, you can ask Easilys not to worry about this sub-recipe when editing your production reports.

You can only add one recipe component tag per component (ingredient, sub-recipe or product).