
Overview: Workforce allows you to plan shifts based on sales or traffic budgets, which facilitates optimized forecasting of the ideal number of personnel, visualizing the difference between ideal and projected personnel, controlling the cost of personnel, and planning shifts by workstations. 

Start from: The Workforce module.  

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.   

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja 

  • Select the Work Center where the shift you wish to analyze is located.    

  • Select the Arrow icon in the field of the shift you wish to view.  

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • Once in the Projected Shift screen, select Sales.  


Configure sales forecast with workstations 

In the configuration by workstations, the total sales are broken down into different types of sales. 

In the Sales screen you will find 3 tabs: Daily Projection, 1/4 h Distribution, and Direct Work Duration. 

Notes: The sales forecast configuration by post can only be done when the shift has a direct work configuration by workstation.  

  • In the Daily Projection you will be able to decide: 

  • Magnitude to be displayed: Select between Net Sales, Tickets, Customers, Average Ticket and Average Ticket per customer. 

  • Sales and traffic projection source: Select between Budget and POS historical data. 

  • Once the selection has been defined, click on Apply

Notes: By clicking on sales or individual traffic, you will be able to modify it manually. 

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • In case you select POS historical data as a source, you will be able to: 

  • Mark the week of historical data that you will use as a sales projection. 

  • Apply a percentage increase or decrease to the projected data. 

  • Select Apply to save the changes. 

  • You can apply the assigned variation to all quantities if you select the check box to Apply variation to the other magnitudes in case of manual estimation? and select Accept.  In case you want only the selected magnitude to change, select Cancel

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • In the 1/4 h distribution you will be able to decide: 

  • Select the distribution method by selecting the Calendar icon between: 

  • Historical Week: mark the week of your choice on the calendar. 

  • Averaging: select the number of weeks between 1 to 5 for which you want the distribution averaging to be performed. 

  • Comparable day last year: it will be the day of the previous year that coincides with the day of the week. (Monday with Monday, Tuesday with Tuesday, etc.). 

  • Indicate the Business Unit to be used for distribution. Thanks to this, it will be possible to select a different Unit from that of the shifts, which is very useful in newly opened Units or those that simply do not have a distribution. 

  • Magnitudes and distribution to be displayed

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

Set up sales forecast without workstations 

Once in the Projected Shift screen, select the Sales button. 

In the pop-up screen you will be able to: 

  • Decide the source of sales and traffic projection, among: 

  • Budget: allocated for the Unit on that day. 

  • POS historical data: with the data loaded in GIR by the POS of the business. 

  • Historical Cash Sheet: recorded by employees in GIR. 

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • Manually modify sales and traffic data that have the Modify tag. 

Escala de tiempo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja 

  • Select the quarter-hour distribution method, among: 

  • POS historical data: with the distribution marked by the POS of the business unit. 

  • Configured: distribution carried out manually. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • Indicate the Business Unit to be used for distribution. Thanks to this, it will be possible to select a different Unit from that of the shifts, which is very useful in newly opened Units or those that simply do not have a distribution. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • Select the Comparable Days in the pop-up screen after clicking on the calendar icon, enter: 

  • Historical Week: we will mark in the calendar the week we want. 

  • Averaging: select the number of weeks between 1 to 5 that you want the distribution averaging to be performed. 

  • Comparable day last year: it will be the day of the previous year that coincides with the day of the week. (Monday with Monday, Tuesday with Tuesday, etc.). 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

  • Visualize sales and actual traffic by day of the week. 

  • Calculate total projected sales and traffic for the week. 

Percentage change in projected sales and traffic data 

For the POS historical data it will be possible to modify the percentage of sales and traffic data: 

  • Select the POS history data as a source. 

  • Select the week you wish to modify. 

  • Assign the percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) for the variation . 

  • Select Apply to perform the variation. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja 

Notes: You can also modify sales or traffic individually and manually by selecting Modify. 

  • Select Accept to save the changes OR Cancel to not save them.