
Overview: The Analytics dashboard allows you to group a series of data and graphs related to different aspects of the business in the form of different Dashboards. You can set what data you want to see on each dashboard and how you want to see it at any given time.  

Start from: The Analytics module.  

  • Select Dashboard from the main menu.  


  • Select New Dashboard + to create a new Dashboard.   

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  • Assign a name to the new dashboard.   

  • Select + New Widget.  

  • In the pop-up window, select the following parameters:  

  • Module: Choose the module where you have created the scenario to be displayed.  

  • Scenario: Select the particular scenario you wish to view.   

  • Widget type: Simple (data only), Chart (graphs only), or Simple + Chart (data and graphs).   

  • Widget Size: Decide whether you want to display the widget in landscape or portrait format.   

  • Magnitudes: Select the particular magnitude you want to display.   

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  • Press Accept to save the widget OR Cancel to discard it.   

  • Repeat this same procedure with all the scenarios you wish to visualize on the same dashboard.    

Once the widgets have been configured, you can easily access this visual in the Dashboard by selecting the dashboard tab you have created.   

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Notes: In order to create the custom Dashboard, you need to go to the corresponding modules to create and save the scenarios you want to visualize. For example, if you want to visualize a sales comparison, you must first create and save the scenarios to be compared in the Sales panel.  

Filter Dashboard Information by Business Unit

When you create a dashboard, it typically includes information from multiple business units. However, Analytics allows you to refine the dashboard view to limit it to the data of a specific center or a selected group of business units. 

  • Navigate to the tab of the specific dashboard you want to filter. 

  • Select the Filter by Business Unit button. 


  • By default, the filter will be disabled. Select Disable Filter to activate it. 

  • Select the unit or units whose data you want to view in the selection tree. 


  • Select Accept. The information will now be displayed according to the centers selected in the filter. 

Share Dashboards with Specific Roles 

Once the dashboard is created, you can choose to share it with specific user roles. For example, you can create a specific dashboard with relevant information for managers and share it with all users who have the "Manager" role. 

  • Navigate to the tab of the specific dashboard you want to share. 

  • Select the Share Dashboard button. 


  • Select the role or roles with whom you want to share the dashboard. 

  • Select Accept. Now, all users with the role(s) you selected will be able to view the dashboard. 

Notes: The roles you assign will only be able to view the dashboard, but they will not be able to edit any elements of it. Only the original creator of the dashboard can make modifications.