
Overview: Workforce allows employers to configure the shift planner to fit the unique needs of their workplace, so they can ensure that the system supports their operational requirements around the need for employees at specific times.

Start from: The Workforce module.

The configuration of the ideal staff is based on four factors:

Direct work

It is directly related to sales, tickets, or the number of estimated customers. To make the direct work configuration:

  • Navigate to Settings > Ideal Staff.

From this screen, you can generate as many direct work templates as necessary and associate them to as many work centers as you wish, as long as they comply with the premise of starting their working day at the same time.
To create a direct work template that you will later use in the scheduler, you must:
  • Select the Templates tab on the Ideal Staff screen.
  • Select New +.
Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
  • In the New Template window, you must fill in the information of the time ranges (periods) in which you wish to have direct work.
  • For each of these periods, you must select + Add in the Setup field to indicate, from the sales budget of the scheduler, which reference you will take to indicate the number of people required.
Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
  • Set the Magnitude.
  • Establish the Types of Sales Channels.
  • Set the start and duration of direct work.
  • Set the direct work table, which defines the number of workers for each magnitude during the selected time.
Captura de pantalla de un celular<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
  • Select Accept to save the settings OR Cancel to discard them.

In the example below we can see the user has indicated that, from the scheduler sale forecast, the reference is the sales (estimated or recorded) from the sales channel Local.  If the result of this query gives us a value between 0 and 1000, the number of employees we need to cover the direct work is 3, between 1000 and 2000 it is 5 employees, and so on. The start and duration of direct work indicate how much time employees will be needed. For example, in a restaurant, 500 euros are invoiced for a sale, but I need the employee to take care of that potential sale one hour before (seating people, taking the order, serving, etc.).

Once you have all the direct work templates you need, you can associate them with the work centers that will use them to indicate the ideal staff.

To do this, go to the Templates per Unit tab. In these templates, in addition to being able to indicate the work centers that will use the direct work templates you have created, you can make different direct work templates for each day, whether it is a working day, a holiday, a weekend, the day before a holiday, etc.

The association of the templates is also done by workstation, this way you will have the flexibility to indicate how many people, from each workstation and in each work center, you need at certain times of the day.

Indirect fixed work

Refers to the amount of work that is not directly related to customers, but to the maintenance of the work center, such as cleaning, opening, etc.

To set up indirect work, see Configure indirect work.

Indirect variable work

It is usually related to preparation work based on sales estimation.

Minimum staff

This is the minimum number of people required, regardless of the circumstances.

Notes: Currently, we are offering only direct work and indirect fixed work, and in future enhancements we will provide the other two options.