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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to generate an inventory so that you can check and, if necessary, correct the quantities of the items listed. This guide takes you through the process.
Start from: The Easilys menu.
Caution: If you only wish to have a list of all your products in stock, always prefer to use the "Stock status" report available directly from the "STOCK" screen, rather than generating an inventory on the INVENTORIES screen (STOCK section). In fact,stocktaking is an important action for verifying and correcting stock at a given moment in time.
If you don't need to carry out an inventory, it's best not to generate one. If, however, you had generated one just to obtain the list of products in stock, remember to delete it carefully so as not to impact the stock, which is blocked when an inventory is in progress.
Inventory enables you to check and correct your inventory at a chosen date, so as to have a fixed base consistent with the actual situation. This type of action is generally taken at the end of a work cycle, so that we can start the next cycle with a corrected stock on Easilys that we won't come back to.
Example: If you're managing inventory for a Business Unit, at the end of the first quarter you decide to carry out an inventory to check the accuracy of the data in the application against the actual stock. This makes it possible to make corrections if necessary, and then close the first quarter, which cannot be revisited since the application freezes the corrected stock to avoid modifying it by mistake.
- Select the Stock > Inventories tabs.
- To generate an inventory, select the date on the calendar on which you wish to save it.
- Then choose between two inventory modes: interim inventory and month-end inventory.
Interim inventories are always positioned on the selected data.
Interim Inventory is only carried out once all stock movements for the day and previous days have been completed.
Month-end inventories are always positioned on the last day of the month. This is the only way to generate inventory in the future. This allows you to close the month early if you have no activity until the end of the month.
The "month-end inventory" is only carried out once all stock movements for the month have been completed.
Please note: When you generate an inventory, the application "takes a photograph of your stock at the desired moment T".
For this reason, it is essential to have carried out all entries and exits on the day of the inventory and on previous days.
If an entry or withdrawal is made after an inventory has been generated on the same data or earlier, when the inventory is closed, the application will perform a corrective movement to cancel this entry or withdrawal, as this movement does not match the inventory. The application ensures that what is listed in the inventory matches exactly to the stock.
✅ A list of products is viewed on the screen. These are the products saved in stock on the data selected to generate the inventory.