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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to create and manage known loss and markdown models to accurately account for and analyze inventory losses.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

The known losses and markdowns screen enables you to manage losses reported by the cashier, as well as to add losses manually, based on defined models. The aim is to :

  • Destocking everything that needs to be destocked but hasn't generated any sales.
  • Identify anything that is not billed (free goods, breakage), and thus identify discrepancies between theoretical and actual CM.
  • Then calculate the shrinkage.
  • Identify the reasons for losses to reduce them (e.g. overproduction, preparation errors).

Create a loss and markdown model

In order to be able to trace losses manually, it is first necessary to set up the templates, which will then be used for data entry.

  • Select Stock in the main menu > Known losses and markdowns.
  • Select the three-dot icon in the middle of the screen, above the loss and markdown table.

  • Select the +Create option.

A window appears on the right:

  • Enter the name of the template you wish to create. 

At the top of this window:

  • Select the Products or Recipes tab, depending on what you wish to include in your template. 
  • Then select all the elements you want to include in your template.

Note: It is possible to select everything at once, by clicking on the "Select all" option. However, the idea is to reduce the choice of recipes and/or products by model, so that users can easily find their way around the list of models that suit them best, for example, according to their work area in the "Bar" restaurant.

  • Select the Reasons tab.
  • Select all the reasons you want to appear in your model, for all the elements you choose.

Note: It is possible to administer known reasons for losses and markdowns, by clicking on the cogwheel to the right of the label search bar. For more details, see the tutorial Manage reasons for known losses and markdowns

  • Select Validate.

Note: Templates are inherited by default.

Manage a loss and markdown model

Modifying a loss and markdown model

  • Select Stock in the main menu > Known losses and markdowns.
  • Select the model to be modified, using the arrow to the left of the model name displayed.
  • Select the three-dot icon in the middle of the screen, to the right of the selected model name.

  • Select Modify.

The model modification window opens on the right:

  • Make the required changes.
  • Select Validate at the bottom of the screen.

Delete a markdown model

  • Select Stock in the main menu > Known losses and markdowns.
  • Select the model to be deleted, using the arrow to the left of the model name displayed.
  • Select the three-dot icons in the middle of the screen, to the right of the selected model name.
  • Select Delete.

Using the same procedure, you can also bookmark a model, so that it is always displayed when the screen is opened. Finally, you can also duplicate the model identically.

Share a model on a specific site

By default, a template created on one site will be visible on all its child sites. It will soon be possible to choose to share it only on certain sites: this option is currently under development.