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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you need to simulate a recipe to check that it is correctly valued and to ensure its profitability. This guide takes you through the process. 

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

Recipe simulation allows you to simulate the recipe's value and also to visualize the allergens it contains. 

Simulation is performed in relation to a menu frame, service, and date, determined from the simulator parameters (the cogwheel button next to the simulator). 


Before you can simulate a recipe, certain prerequisites must be met. 

  1. The generic ingredients used as components in this recipe must all be linked to at least one industrial product. 
  2. Industrial products linked to generic ingredients must have a price valid on the simulation date from at least one supplier. If you wish to obtain the allergens in the recipe, these must also be indicated on the industrial products. 
  3. A menu structure with at least one service, even if empty, must exist on the site. (If you don't manage your menus on Easilys, simply create a blank menu frame with a service, which you can name "Valuation of recipes"). 

If these prerequisites are not met, the recipe cannot be calculated, even partially. 

Simulate a recipe 

  • Select Recipes > Recipe management from the main menu. 
  • Select the recipe you wish to simulate. 
  • Select the Simulator to activate it.  

Note: a line may appear in red in the recipe components when the simulator is activated, in which case : 

  • or the generic ingredient is not attached to any product; 
  • or the weight of the product is close to what you asked for; 
  • either a Smart Selection rule cannot be applied or several Smart Selection rules conflict. 

When the simulator is activated, it is not possible to modify the recipe. Deactivate the simulator if you wish to modify it. 

If the simulator is not set up correctly, the settings window appears on the screen. 


  • Fill in the requested information. The simulation result may differ according to the simulation date, and also according to the menu and/or meal selected, if specific grammages for certain menus and/or meals have been defined for the recipe. 
    • Simulation date*: This date is used to tell Easilys which price lists and tariffs to take into account in its calculations. A product may be available for purchase for a limited period and/or the price may vary. This is managed by means of the start and end dates of mercurials and products.
    • Menu template*: This tells Easilys which menus to take into account. 
    • Meal type*: This tells Easilys which service to take into account. 
    • Include non-food ingredients*: This tells Easilys whether or not to value the recipe taking into account the costs associated with non-food ingredients. 
  • Select Save

Notes: the simulator does not need to be set up systematically each time it is used; it only needs to be configured once, when it's used for the first time. You can modify the simulator's parameters as required by selecting the cogwheel button. ​