
Overview: Analytics enables venue managers to track sales trends with the Evolution view, which allows them to understand how sales are changing over time. 

Start from: The Analytics module. 

  • Select Sales from the main menu.  


  • Select Parameters to configure the period and the data you wish to view. 

  • Once set, select Accept to return to the Analytics Sales screen. 

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  • Select from the list the box of the center whose sales evolution you wish to see.  

  • Click on the Evolution button. 


In the Evolution screen you will be able to see the progress of sales day by day. You can view this information in the form of Data or Charts, depending on the tab you are on. 

In the same way, you can choose whether you want to see the accumulated or not by selecting the Cumulative switch.  


  •  In Parameters, you can change the time period to be displayed, the type of analysis, sources, among others.  


Notes: To change the center, you must press the blue arrow button to return to the Sales screen and select a new center. 

  • You can download the Evolution panel data by selecting Export. You can download this information in .XLS (Excel) or .CSV (comma separated values) format.