
Overview: Push surveys are a great way to gather feedback on employee satisfaction and engagement. These surveys are made up of blocks (sections in the survey) and questions. Once you have set up a push survey and completed the general details in step 1: Campaign (see Create a new push survey for details on how to complete this step), you'll then need to write the content of the survey (step 2: Questions).

Note: Blocks (and their set of questions) will be shown each on a separate screen.

Start from: the Engagement dashboard.

  • Select Push survey from the main menu.
  • Select the cog icon next to the survey whose blocks and questions you wish to edit.
  • Select Edit.

  • Complete or edit the following fields. Note: mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
    • *Title: enter the title of the block. Note: select the Hide title checkbox if you don’t wish the block title to be displayed to users.
    • Description: enter any necessary extra information about the block.

  • Select + Add question.
  • Complete the fields that appear below Question:
    • *Title: enter the title of the question.
    • Description: enter any necessary extra information about the question.
    • Mandatory: tick this check box if users must answer this question to submit the survey.
    • Question type: select a question type from the dropdown list.
      • Open question: users are provided with a free-text box.
      • Select a face: users are presented with a standard 1-5 range with faces from which to choose from, which measures their sentiment regarding the question asked.


  • Select a preset option: create as many options as you want (e.g. “yes/no”, figures, ranges, colors or multiple choice answers). Note: select this option if you wish to include conditional blocks (more on this below).
    • Employee net promoter score: users are presented with a standard 1-10 range (this can be used as a net promoter score, but also as any other question to be answered using a 1-10 scale).
    • Picture: select File upload if you wish to upload a picture for the question. 

You can add as many blocks and question as you like. We recommend keeping surveys as simple as possible.

  • Select the Sort questions and Sort blocks options to see an overview of the survey structure, and to reorder the questions and blocks as you like.


Conditional blocks

As mentioned in step 1: Campaign, you can set up surveys with different paths based on the answers given by users.
Conditional questions must always be of the type Select a preset option in the Question type dropdown list.
Within a block, the question that determines the conditions that will lead the user to continue to different blocks depending on their chosen answer, must be the last question in the block of the Select a preset option question type.
Make sure to select the Does this block end the survey? checkboxes for those blocks that imply the end of the survey. This is important because, as there are different paths, the system must know when each of these paths end, or otherwise, it will always jump to the next available block.
In the following screenshot you can see there are two blocks that mark the end of the survey:

Following the same example, the conditions must then be set. The only block that allows conditions in this example is Block 2 (Workplace), as it’s the only block with Select a preset option type question (necessary to create conditions).
In the example, the conditional question (the last question of the Select a preset option type block) with 4 answer options. Options 1 and 2 will direct the user to Block 3 (where the path finishes), while options 3 and 4 will lead to Block 4 (also the end of the path).

  • Select Next when you are happy with the content and structure of your survey blocks and questions. You will then see a preview of your survey.

See Publish a survey for the first time for more details on publishing and activating your survey.